Wednesday, April 25, 2012


We will be constructing a long message and will get it translated in a couple of languages. Each of you would be assigned phrases. All you need to do is make a placard (your creativity on how you want to write down your assigned words) and take a picture of it!

How will Part 3 work?
We will be assigning you words. All you need to do is to translate it into another language you speak (other than English). Please inform us the language you will be using before we can assign your words. If you prefer to do it in English, let us know too!

If you are doing it in another language, DO NOT INCLUDE the English translations as we will be the one doing it instead!


If you would like to participate,

1) Let us know on twitter (@jaeseopfacts)
2) Inform us if you know any other languages other than English

Again, do NOT INCLUDE your NAME, TWITTER ID and COUNTRY in the picture.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

21 KISSES summed up in a picture!


We have decided to allow you guys to participate in ALL 3 parts! ^^

You can choose to do 1 or 2 or even 3 as long as you have the time and you want to do it!

If you have signed up and you're interested in another part that you're not doing, let us know. Besides, the deadline is still a long way to come so if you want to participate in another part, just inform us and we'll update the Participants list.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tutorial + FAQ

Hello! We'd figure that we should do a tutorial so that it'll help you guys better understand the project! ^^

Take note that this are just examples! It's is entirely up to your creativity to design your PAGE the way you want it.


Here's a picture of that shows what you NEED to INCLUDE in your PAGE!

There's 4 things that you need to take note of!

#1 START OFF your entries with 'Dear ____,'
#2 SIGN OFF with your NICKNAME
#3 For languages other than ENGLISH, KOREAN and JAPANESE, please PROVIDE a translation!
#4 Do NOT INCLUDE your NAME, TWITTER ID and COUNTRY in the page

This is an example of  how a DIGITAL page look like.

Likewise, if it's craft work or written, this is how your page should look like.

Let me reiterate that those are just examples to show you how it should be like! It is up to you to design it the way you want it to be.


Q1: What is the size of the page?
A: If you'll be taking a picture of it, any size is acceptable as long as it appears clearly in the picture! Make sure your words can be seen. If you're doing it on the computer, we do not have a standard size, what you think is enough for you to work with.

Q2: When you say picture, what is meant by it?
A: You can choose to take a selca or simply take a picture of your work (if you're shy).


Part 2 is really simple! For those who are taking part, you are just required to tweet us your message WITHIN the 140 characters word limit.

Just an example!

Also, remember that if you want to use a language other than those in blue above, provide translations. ALL to be done in 140 characters.


Q1: Can I attach a picture to the tweet?
A: No, you can't. We strictly want this to be a twitter mention like the example shown above.


We've mentioned that we will be creating a long message. This long message would be split into words and assigned to those who are interested in participating. You would just need to make a placard/fanboard or simply write it out. You can design it to suit your liking.

You'll just need to take a picture of it. Likewise, do NOT INCLUDE your NAME, TWITTER ID and COUNTRY in the picture/work.

If you are still unsure of what this part is, watch our previous FKA project!

At around the 3:45 mark, the message portion begins.

Here are some examples of the message portion from the previous project:



Q1: What is meant by a picture?
A: A picture of your work only or a selca are both accepted.

Q2: Can we include something else in the picture?
A: No, you can't. We just want you to design the assigned words.


We hope this helps you in understanding the project better. Please let us know if you have any questions! We'll keep this page update if you guys have any other questions than those that we have already covered. ^^

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hi all!

For the sake of getting more people to be aware and participate in this project! We've created a tumblr specially for this project!


We will be posting details both on blogger and tumblr. Links to all recent update will be updated via our twitter account: @jaeseopfacts.

Also, now that we have opened up a tumblr account, feel free to direct your questions there if you'd prefer asking over tumblr than twitter.

Last but not the least, we keep a list of names of the participants on tumblr. If you are participating, please check to see if your name is in the list and whether the part/(s) you're taking part in is right. Inform us on twitter/tumblr if there is a mistake.

Let's do this~ Fighting! ^^

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Hello all! *waves*

As you AnJels know, soon it'll be that time of the year where someone gets caked! And that would be our very own, AJ. Yes, it's his birthday~
*throws confetti*

Our theme this time would be.....

*drum roll, please!*


Our Diary would be no other than...AJ! So, especially for PART 1, you can start of your entries with 'DEAR AJ' or any other way you do an opening to a diary entry.

Without further ado, let's head on to the nitty-gritty stuff, shall we? ^^ There will be 3 parts to this project.

PART 1 :

Since we're centred around a diary theme. Every participant for this part gets A PAGE for themselves. What I meant by A PAGE: Fit everything you do in a SINGLE picture or (if you'd prefer) a SHORT VIDEO (20 seconds max.).

You're free to do anything with that space you have! Maybe write a short letter, come up with a poem, sing, make a fanboard, draw, snap a picture of yourself and attach a message together, etc. The page is up to you to design!

(For those who would like to do a video, please let us know!)

All you need to do is send us a picture of that PAGE. It can be a handicraft or done digitally. YOUR call, YOUR preference! ^^

A list of things you definitely need to include:

  1. 'DEAR ______ ,' {eg: Dear AJ/Jaeseop/Oppa}
  2. Make sure you wish him a Happy Birthday!
  3. Fill up the rest of the same with your message or a picture or drawing. J
  4. Sign off with your nickname!
And some things you need to be take note of:
  1. Do NOT INCLUDE your NAME, TWITTER ID and COUNTRY in the page, we will be inserting those for you.
  2. LANGUAGE MEDIUM: We would prefer if you'd stick to English, Korean and Japanese. You may include another language you know in your message but PLEASE include a translation in either of the 3 mentioned languages (bolded in blue) above. {eg: Selamat Hari Jadi, AJ! Happy Birthday, AJ!}


For those busy peeps, this one is for you! All you need to do is tweet us your messages and we'll put them for you in a page!

For this, you'll just need to follow two simple rules. The first being to make sure to keep your messages within the 140 characters. The second (likewise), the language medium which we do not mind if you use any other languages you know but please provide a translation in any of the 3 mentioned languages (bolded in blue).

Here's another example:
"Joyeux Anniversaire AJ, Je t'aime! Happy Birthday AJ, I love you!”

Mention those messages to: @_AJKJS


We will be constructing a long message and will get it translated in a couple of languages. Each of you would be assigned phrases. All you need to do is make a placard (your creativity on how you want to write down your assigned words) and take a picture of it!

How will Part 3 work?
We will be assigning you words. All you need to do is to translate it into another language you speak (other than English). Please inform us the language you will be using before we can assign your words. If you prefer to do it in English, let us know too!

If you are doing it in another language, DO NOT INCLUDE the English translations as we will be the one doing it instead!


If you would like to participate,

1) Let us know on twitter (@jaeseopfacts)
2) Inform us if you know any other languages other than English

Again, do NOT INCLUDE your NAME, TWITTER ID and COUNTRY in the picture (reason being the same as above).


Most importantly, tweet us beforehand telling us that you're interested in the project and let us know which part.

You are allowed to participate in ALL PARTS! You can choose to do 1 or 2 or even 3 if you like.
Please direct all your questions to either: @jaeseopfacts or


Send in your finished pictures to: in the following format:
(Please include the subject if not emails will be ignored)

Subject: 21 KISSES

(Please include the following details in your email)
Twitter ID:


Deadline for submission would be on the 30th MAY 2012 by 23 59 KST.

Please understand that we would need time to edit and compile them! Also, we will be keeping tabs on people who is participating so we'll appreciate if you guys don't back out from the project after letting us know of your participation! :(

LAST OF ALL, spread the word and participate! Let's get another RT from ukisskorea and maybe from AJ himself (if we work to it) this time! Fighting! ^^



Friday, March 09, 2012


Yes, so FKA has been a huge success! A heart felt thank you to every single person who has contributed to this project either through Part 1 or 2 or our twitter message section! ♥

Here's the video:

What gave the extra push to make this project a huge success? Acknowledgement from @ukisskorea! Earlier in the day, we've got a retweet with a comment from @ukisskorea. So, we're keeping our fingers crossed that AJ has probably already watched this together with some ukiss staff that was with them.

Anyway, thank you everyone! We look forward to more of your participation in our next project! Keep an eye out for any announcements regarding new projects in months to come! ^^

Friday, February 10, 2012


Too complicated? Too busy?

Then here's what you can do to show your support to AJ! ^^

ALL you have to do is simply mention to @_JSKAJ your message to AJ. Do however take note that the word limit has to be within the 140 words. Please do not exceed it or use tweetlonger or etc because we'll be taking screen shots of your mentions so it'll be great if all the words appears nicely.

Sunday, January 22, 2012



Hey guys! Sorry to have kept you waiting for the second part but here it is~

Its a LOT easier than the first one but we hope you still participate on that! :)

We've composed a message for AJ and we want YOU to send that message to him. How? If you want to participate, simply tweet us (@ & ) and we'll save a spot for you.

We're going to do the same thing as this (

We need around 20-30 people to participate so if you want to join, please tweet us ASAP. We'll assign you the words as soon as you tweet us. It would be great if you handwrite (and design) them or you could just print them if you think your handwriting isn't nice but please, dont take a picture with a blank paper and just photoshop the words on it.

Deadline: (for informing us you want to join this)
January 31st, 12PM KST 

Deadline: (for sending in your pictures)
February 28th, 12PM KST

Email your pictures to with your name in it. 

You'll see the entire message when the video comes out 
(March 7th, 2012 ;D) 

And that's it :)

It's okay to participate in both part 1 and part 2 of this project btw :) 

If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask us!

Happy Lunar New Year! ♥

Sunday, January 15, 2012


1) Selca: A selca is a picture of the cut out heart you've designed with yourself. But, it is optional, you don't have to appear in the picture if you're shy. Just a picture of your heart will do!

2) Cut out heart: Yes, we want the shape of a HEART, just the HEART and nothing else. Not a heart drawn or designed on a piece of paper/board but a heart that is cut out from it. Remember, a CUT OUT HEART SHAPED is what we need.

3) Size of the heart doesn't matter, as long as it appears in the picture perfectly fine and it's big enough for you to write your message in it.

4) Physical hearts: It means using your arm/hands to make a heart shape. Or drag a friend over and make a heart shape! But in this case, just send us a picture of you doing the heart along with your short message in the email. This means, do not include the message in the picture as we'll be helping you with it. Again, it is for standardization purpose.

5) Hearts made from pebbles, hearts drawn on sand, anything made from objects is fine too! Likewise, send us a picture and your message in the email, we'll help you put in the message.

6) One sentence message: Write the message on your heart! Whatever you want to say to AJ but in a sentence. Keep it short, sweet, simple, impactful and encouraging! The reason being, since it appears in a video, the message has to be short enough so that AJ will be able to read all the messages without it being too draggy.

7) As for the language medium of the one sentence message, we shall stick to what AJ can understand and those are Korean, English and Japanese.

8) Ensure that your message can be seen clearly in the picture you've taken. It doesn't matter how you write it or the type of fonts you use, just make sure it's easy to read when you take one look at the picture.

9) Include your name, country and message (applies only to 4 & 5) in the email. Write in the following format to help us.

I hope this will help you guys clarify any doubts you have! Feel free to approach us on our twitter @jaeseopfacts if you've any questions! :D


All you guys have to do is take a selca holding a cut out heart designed by yourselves with your ONE LINE MESSAGE to AJ written on it, of course ;)

If you're planning to make physical hearts (e.g. hand hearts, arm hearts, etc.) just take a picture and email it along with your message and we'll do the rest for you.


We understand that some of you are having problems with the message as such we'll be open up a tiny segment where you tweet @cheunji and she'll assign you a message to write!

Currently, we have 2 messages which means 14 spots! So tweet @cheunji ASAP for the spot. If you missed the chance to fall under the 14, worry not! We've a couple of message planned out and we'll tell you about more available spots once the current one is completed. :)

(Refer to our FAQs for more details regarding the project)
Send them to: with the subject [AJ's FIRST KISS ANNIVERSARY] Emails without subjects will be ignored. Also, please include your name and country in the email.

Since there'll be two parts, we're gonna need a lot of time to compile them into a video so the deadline will be on FEBRUARY 28th, 2012 @ 12 PM KST.